All Star

Players of Nu Passión Team are:

* Fermín Jiménez Landa
ferminAmong his exhibitions he highlight official acts, Espai Montcada, CaixaForum, Barcelona (2008) Euphoria, Valle Orti Gallery, Valencia (2005) Art Show INJUVE, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid (2006 / 9), Environments Next, ARTIUM de Alava, Vitoria (2006).
He has played several games of football on the beach (1999-present), ping pong tournaments in Tuscany Italy (2008-9) and has made changes in several sports, some of them water sports.
He studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Valencia and attended workshops with Robert Morris, Rogelio López Cuenca, Daniel G. Andujar, Francesc Torres, Jon Mikel Euba or Douglas Ashford and classes at the Scholia Anotati Athens.
To view his work click here
Despite some asthma, innate stupidity (and purchased), lack of concentration, laziness and a certain abuse of alcohol and saturated fats is a player known for his vision of space, their temporal consciousness and joy underused.

* Pablo Lerma

I played basketball 9 years 9 months 9 days 9 weeks 9 hours 9 minutes and 9 seconds for a total of 3285 right questions and one night hotel in Salou. I cross several games with big personalities who wander tennis N-B-A until I played against them, but I must have mistaken apparel, and drank my share of Gatorade. Something else to note, I was runner-up in Barcelona in lower categories, and lower pre-selected categories of diesel. Catalan. Highlighted by a defensive attitude, and his specialty as a shooter, but due to inactivity, you may stay a few flashes of everything.
Never liked the socks high, tubeless sports, and critics of MJ23. Of course maybe all these things were in the 90’s.
BBAA continues to be involved with, studying one of the masters, and among other artistic activities, was a finalist in the Espacio Movistar Projections and the call of AIDS with ART-Can Xalant (scholarship production). Recently showed his work at the Festival CCCB TRAFFIC09, and Emergent’09 “Photography Festival of Lleida.

*Darío Reina

He likes columns, raincoats, velcro, and parentheses.
He has some good calves and ankles, that look like tennis balls (because of the sprained 7 each).
Among other things, is currently studying in the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona and is federated into the team (basketball), senior CB Vilassar de Dalt. He recently curated the exhibition The Model Absent, Obres of the MACBA Col · lecció the Cercle Artistic de Sant Lluch, and is selected for the collective “A títol own,” Contemporary Sant Andreu.
He is is favour of plain colors, in general against the nap and militant of sleep without socks. More (or less) known for his speed than his height. He has a good view of the game despite wearing glasses and developed an impressive technical virtuosity in “NBA LIFE 2005.”
From he was a child he has passion for basketball, despite his parents enrolled him at vocal lessons. He usually holds his triple with this song.

He makes available to the Tournament his “go, go!” and a possible idea for the equipment.

* Carlos Carbonell Martínez
carlos carbonell
Carlos Carbonell is part of duo Comte d’Urgell. Under this name and with Jordi Ferreiro he has made exhibitions, installations, prints and even manifest by free education. He is also the little person who hides behind the cloak of Internet2 .
“I always hated sport because as a child I loved staying at home watching TV all day and my mother forced me to do sports and enrolled me to soccer, basketball (he was the highest in the class), taekwondo etc. The point is that in all sports since he was so dripping all threw the ball to my head and in the case of taekwondo it was a class free of the Generalitat, where there were only gypsies children and they hit me because of I wasn´t gypsy, so I went back home so bruised.
Now I’m hooked on poker, and for a time I loved Bolley Ball , but as it was for Girls it has always been my secret and I never signed up. ”

* Mariona Moncunill

Marionne foto torneo pasionHer experience with basketball begins in school´s team and ends in el Universitari de Barcelona, club and sport that she abandons at 16 years due to the feat of tearing cruciate ligaments in both knees and, ultimately, was fed , sick, sick. It is very likely she never have come into contact with art world, which previously did not care if it had not been due to those injuries, that is, those things of life and an endless chain of consequences that were causes of other consequences..
In the court stood by his defensiveness and an enviable speed benefit of the counterattack, qualities lacking completely and overwhelmingly today.
As a visual artist she has been awarded with Prize Miquel Casablancas and accesit at INJUVE Awards. She is currently working on her participation in the Bienal de Valls as well as in an intervention in the Espai Cub de La Capella in Barcelona. She doesn´t remember which titles won as a basketball player, but some had to be relevant.

* David Armengol
david armengol passion
Independent curator. His relationship with basketball began at an early age in their school of GBS, followed in the League School and completed in his high school in the U.E. Gaudí in Catalan third League at the age of 23 years. No special skills for any other sport (he was the last one in some child swimming championships, back mode), in basketball developed a good technique (able to impersonate left handed) and a good view of the game as a team, becoming a player defense (used to be eliminated by five fouls) and distributor (not too scorer). Once lost his physical form, he decided to apply a certain basketball inheritance – always played as guard – to his professional profile and, in some way, convey to the non-sporting field that he decided to gamble: the curator of exhibitions and contemporary art context . And so he has been doing different exhibition projects of diverse topics as the role of sound in the exhibition hall (Galería_t4, CASM, Sala Rekalde), the concept of euphoria applied art (Montcada_Caixafòrum Espai Barcelona) or analysis of the idea cyclical obsession and persistence from the position of the artist. His mentality of guard and game organizer has also led to management work, such as in ala d’Art Jove or currently in Sant Andreu Contemporary and in the Concurs d’Arts Visuals Premi Miquel Casablancas. 
Apart from his relationship with basketball (now from a standpoint more theoretical than practical), his other great passions are music (just visible in the common interest in incorporating music projects to his art projects) and recently surfing. On the court, his number has always been nine. Here you can see some of the things he does.
. Hereyou can see some of the things he does.

* Vicente Vázquez
vicente Vazquez
I started playing basketball in Catalunya, I do not know how or why. I think it was my initiative, I’m not sure. My mother bought me one daythe Kelme chicago and a pair of socks of Chicago Bulls in the gypsies market in-bona-vista-Tarragona and said vicente! you’ve got it all! “Here you can see the mini-basketball court where I started to play
WATER CEMENT CESAR AUGUSTO MONUMENT! Once in Galicia I started playing in the school team, later in the OURENSE COREN subsidiary. At the time this team played in the ACB.

These were those that formed this great team that reached the semifinals of the ACB league.

I played basketball a long time, children, cadets, sub 22 …. I’ve always had fun playing sports, the sport has taught me many things like art. The first thing I learned in sports is that there are rules, and the second thing you need to know to combine them. I think in art is the same, it has rules and we have to combine them. Then other people – scouts / critics – decide if you’re good or you’re not, things of interpretation. I think this video sums up fairly well art and sport.
If you want to see the work carried out with the Basque artist Usue Arrieta always in team!! clikc

* Miguel Angel Bellot Rico

Ex-component of the first and only known volleyball team of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Valencia. Very fond of sport, but very bad loser.
As an artist, my greatest achievement to date is to have avoided the unemployement time.
In the court I look for the beauty of simplicity.
I do not like talking about myself.
PS: This is the only picture I have at this time on the computer.

* Jordi Pino
jordi pinor
Director of Centre Cívic Sant Andreu and Sant Andreu Contemporani program. His first sports experiences arise in the public school where he spent his childhood and adolescence, noted for his height and his skill with the ball; quality which, despite his nearly two meters, led him to always play away from the ring and become an effective sniper. This height, together with his natural elegance and his extreme thinness, had his colleagues called him “the pine” (interesting coincidence with his last name). His early interest in the world of culture led him to study anthropology, after the coordination of projects of contemporary dance and, currently (and have been for several years) to the direction of contemporary art projects as the Concurs d’Arts Visuals Premi Miquel Casablancas. His condition of anthropologist makes him an analytical player capable of studying the game and make the most of the players that go with him. His interests and knouledge in dance will provide him some graceful movements and high spectacular with the ball in hand. . On the website of Sant Andreu Civic Centre, you can see the variety of its programs and activities.

* Héctor Arnau

I was born into a basketball family, raised among genealogical myths as Cynthia Cooper, the BVA, Torrefiel, Pla de l’Arc on Saturday afternoon and past prestigious names such as Di-Mar or Marcol. More publicly, I enjoyed Magic and Bird, the first Jugoplastika and Sabonis, and cried painful deaths like Drazen Petrovic and Fernando Martin. I could watch live the ‘Dream Team’ original, the emerging incipient Lithuanian selection of Sergeij Iovaisha, Nikos Gallis, Dirk Nowitzki and Oscar Schmidt. I played for different clubs, always with maximum demands, always with bad luck. Later, other studies, different epics, caught my attention: poets, false prophets, folklorists, shamans, suicide singers, fantastic storytellers. I translated subtitles and novels
“The Third Police” by Flann O’Brien), I embarked on wacky adventures , I sangsentimental hymns, and declaimed against frivolous late-capitalist asepsis and always failed or reached a rather naive glory, not yet I know. But happily I watch this apocalypse silly inane laughter brief: this is why I’m so joking. I never missing adjectives. Perhaps for these reasons I also participated in a paper magazine .

* Alex Gil

As a child I always carried a notebook and a pencil. So they say at his home. A vice that continues to suffer still more. Art historian without office or profit, is dedicated to cutting and pasting occupationally and publish on the Internet. During his academic training he met artists of all stripes feeling a great affinity for those who no one understood. Dada. With Jose Rojano he formed EDICIONES VINOAMARGO , a group that at first edited fanzines and later would jump to the poly poetry. They act twice a year. They have earned a diploma. Self-taught and peripheral, played basketball for twenty years. versatile on the court, tireless defense, distributor of the game, his shot at the board is still remembered. His only solo artist was to recreate an ancient library, marking his place in the soil. Beside him on the wall, he placed the index of an atlas and a novel by Enrique Vila-Matas to the last to leave the room. In July this year he began a work in progress for no apparent reason: photographically document of his breakfast. A beard since 1993. Costabravista. in his spare time he writes, what they ask, what comes out. Currently test in the present error.

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